Sunday, January 13, 2013

Waiting for someone else to be hungry, the trap

I am now entering my 4th week since my weight loss surgery.  I have gotten into a pretty good rhythm of eating protein rich foods, portion sizes are starting to make sense to me and I am constantly packing water with me everywhere, staying hydrated. 

This weekend my husband and I went away for a couple days and stayed in a hotel.  I was also playing a poker tournament while we were there.  The tournament was expected to last about 9 hours.  That is 3 mini meals,  I would need to eat during the tournament.  I packed in my purse ziplock baggies filled with turkey peperoni and string cheese.  I also put in the hotel room refrigerator a protein shake.

I cruised along and did just fine.  On the 1/2 dinner break my husband ordered a hamburger and onion rings and a side of pot stickers.  I ate the inside out of a couple of potsickers (I don't eat the noodle part, takes up too much stuff in my tiny stomach and no nutritional value) a bite of his hamburger (no bun) and an onion ring.

I had one more of my pepperoni and cheese snacks around 8pm and that was the last time I ate that night. In the morning I woke up at my normal 6:30.  I knew I needed to eat but wanted to go to breakfast with my husband, rather than drink a protein shake. When he woke up an hour later I asked if he was ready to go to breakfast he said yes, we got dressed and packed up the room to head home. As we were leaving he said he wasn't really  hungry because of the large dinner he had the night before and was just going to grab coffee. 

This is where I hit a problem spot.  I had now not eaten in nearly 12 hours, I was feeling crabby and now disappointed that we were not going to have breakfast together.  It wasn't his fault, there is no reason for him to eat when he is not hungry, but I had waited too long to eat now and had no food plan.  I ended up drinking a protein shake and feeling pouty.  The lesson I am trying to learn from this is that my eating cannot be depend on when someone else needs or wants to eat.  I have to eat on schedule and I have to be prepared in all occasions to take care of myself.

My darling husband caught the brunt of my frustration, low mood from lack of food and anger at feeling out of control in the situation.  Poor guy almost agreed to eat breakfast just so I wouldn't be upset...that's not an ok solution. 

Would love to hear from readers of this blog if they have thoughts about this.


  1. You answered your own problem. You gotta take care of you, and not rely on other people for when YOU eat. You will be out of synch some of the time, but that is ok. No one is going to die from it. It is what it is and it is your reality. You have to take care of you and that might mean eating by the clock for now. I am sure it will get easier for everyone as time goes on, but for now, keep doing what you are doing!!!

  2. You do have to take care of you, and why not if you were looking forward to breakfast, stop and order a little something, and let your hubby have his coffee. Next time you will have it figured out. It's 'Live and Learn 101'. My husband will say he wants to go to eat, only because he heard me mention it. He has me order first, which I order a full meal, he'll do the same, and nibble a couple bites off his plate. He's always asked if there is something wrong with his meal. I sit and eat my whole dang plate. I use to complain to him about 'you make me look like a Pig'. But now, I figure he has his own problems with eating and I've decided I'm going to just deal with that, and except it, after I don't know how many years. So, next time you go ahead and let your hubby know, lets stop in for breakfast, you can have your coffee and I'm going to order me an egg.

  3. My husband has a food issue but after 15 years we have worked it out. Due to a crooked esophagus he can not always eat and most of the time doesn't eat much and takes forever to get it down. It takes him 2 hours to eat half the amount of food that I eat in 15 minutes.
    When we eat at home, I eat in the other room so he doesn't feel rushed and when we go out I take my time and than always have something to keep me occupied until he is done.It is just gonna take some time before you find what works for the two of you so you both are comfortable. If we could get over that hurdle I know you two can. I'll tell you the whole story sometime, but I will tell you what I told him. It is your life and no one is in charge of it except you. Find your way of doing things and it will all work out.

  4. My little Missy Pants!!! I am so proud of you and I know your husband will adjust!! Being aware of the little bumps in the road is half the battle during this transition time in your life! Hang in there and know that we are all here for you. Phil will have to learn how to not eat crap that stays with you for so long!! That's not good for him! Love you and know you have what it takes to succeed. Remember stay away from gmo's!! xoxo <3
