Sunday, January 6, 2013

Variety not Volume

I have the most amazingly wonderful husband.  He has been supportive and helpful through my whole process of deciding to have weight loss surgery. He had helped me through the complicated and long pre-op process, through surgery and recovery.  I couldn't ask for more.

The one area of concern he has consistently had is, how we will  function as a couple socially.  Like most people many of our social interactions and activities include food.  I kept telling him it would be fine, I would just eat less and our eating out bills would go down.  I teased him about how I was going to eat a quarter of everything he ordered saving him the calories.  I told him there is always an appetizer or soup that I can order and eat.  Yet still his concern continued he couldn't get a picture of it in his head.

About a week prior to my surgery date we had gone to a hotel for the weekend, our stay included a breakfast buffet.  I had made my plate and sat down and started eating.  When my husband arrived he had a big smile on his face and he said "I got it, I finally figured it out."  After your surgery food will become a challenge of "Variety not Volume".  He said he had been behind a small older woman at the buffet she had a plate with many small amounts of various foods on her plate.  When he looked at her plate he realized that is how I would be eating in the future.

I think he is correct and "variety not volume" has become my theme in my head since then.

As a side note, I don't think that this is a bad theme for many things in life.  I can think of a whole list of things that don't improve with having more of them and things that I would like to have a little of more frequently.

Have a good Sunday everyone.  And because I am a sports minded woman from the Northwest I must say "GO HAWKS" 


  1. I grew up with the saying, "Variety is the spice of life." Brought back some good thoughts. Also reminded me of how bored I am. ;)

  2. Great Blog Melena, I'm going to remember this as I start my diet tomorrow. I'm hoping I get some help on my diet, cuz I sure need it.

  3. Cindy, anything I can do to support you, you know I will. I am glad that my thoughts and musing are seeming helpful.



  4. It actually works out great for date night. Chris and Enjoy sharing meals and you get to choose how you are going to get you filling. I think it helped draw us closer and Chris lost a little weight too. You rock Melena that's all I need to say.

  5. Thanks you Sharon, You rock too, and thank you for sharing your experiences with me since you are further down the path I hope to travel!

  6. We (George and I) start tomorrow, we had our last harrah today. We will be doing low carb, but cutting out Butter, my favorite food, will help me even more. Taking and eating sample sizes, variety and us sharing, oh la la, along with LA Fitness, and you girls, I'll be looking great like you girls this Summer for my 40th Class Reunion. Love you girls, and you are both inspiration for me.
