Monday, February 11, 2013

Middle number progress

This week after what seemed like a never ending stalemate with the scale the middle number on my weight changed. And by changed I mean went down.  I have seen it go up a multitude of times over my life but this time it went down. 

I was extremely happy to see it go down because last week in spite of all my efforts to be careful about what I was eating, increasing my exercise and staying focused there was no movement.

I don't know what it is about my impatience with this process but it is at times all consuming and overwhelming.  I have worked to lose weight before and I have ignored my weight gains and losses too.  It's like because I made this big physical and financial commitment it can't happen fast enough to keep me satisfied.  In regular dieting I always had this "I need to diet until" mentality.  Like until these pants fit or until my weight is down 20lbs or until I reach a certain middle number on the scale. But this time it's forever, there will be no going back the change is physical and permanent, so once the weight is gone it's gone.  And I WANT it gone now....

Monday, February 4, 2013

Ode To Diet Coke

When I was young my mom bought me Tab
and I thought the pink can was fab.
It wasn't any fun to be the chubby girl is school,
and drinking diet drinks were considered uncool.

Then Diet Coke arrived on the scene
it came with a great marketing scheme.
Skinny people were drinking it
 and famous people were slurping it

I was hooked on this bubbly drink and so it seems was everyone
It went well with pizza and I rarely had only one.
Then I started drinking it with breakfast
while others drank coffee to get the morning started fast.
Five or six a day of these silver cans with diet Coke in red
One even next to my head,  when I went to bed

In November I decided to change everything forever
I would have weight loss surgery on this I wouldn't waiver.
Now all my eating has changed as my stomach is small
It holds hardly anything at all
But this biggest change, the hardest one
Is that diet Coke and I are done.