Monday, December 31, 2012

Supplements a whole new world

I had no idea that my post weight loss surgery life would include a constant pursuit of supplement consumption.

Iron - one time a day, must be a least 30 minutes before a calcium dose. It's a grey/brown looking liquid that tastes like watered down Carmel with a metallic aftertaste.

Vitamin B12 - one time a day. Its a pink neon liquid you fill an eye dropper and squirt it under your tongue. Tastes kind of fruity like a starburst candy.

Multi-vitamin - one time a day. Must be chewable, no taking pills as they will not dissolve and can clog up the tiny stomach. Phil found some online that are pineapple strawberry flavored for me. Crunch crunch, chalky and medicinal.

Calcium Citrate - three times a day. Currently taking liquid, but hate it. Orange chalky goo that makes me want to gag. Looking into calcium chews to order or buy once I'm on a fully solid diet. They have to be calcium citrate and they are hard to find. Word of advice in general is watch out for calcium supplements lots have a lot of sugar which has no nutritional value.

Prilosec - this helps keep the tummy calm. Capsules must be opened and the tiny styrofoam like balls spill out. I then put them on a spoon of yogurt or sugar free pudding, this must be at least 2 hours away from the iron at the top of the list.

And there you have my complete supplement regimen.

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